

Panoramas are one of those wonderful things that we can do in digital that were previously just not possible without expensive and specialized equipment. It opens up tremendous possibilities. This is an image taken just outside the town of Ronda, Spain. The tall...
Photo Manipulation

Photo Manipulation

This image shows a corner store in the old city of Cartagena, Columbia. It’s been given a slight watercolor treatment which also enhances the colors. Is it still a photograph? A watercolor? Does it matter? If I could be allowed an opinion, I have a pretty strong one...
Shades of White

Shades of White

This image is an architectural detail of a house in Spain. I like the contrast of form in the straight lines and curves, combined with the organic element from the plants growing out of the wall. To me, that’s what made the composition so compelling. What I find...
Volcano Road

Volcano Road

This image was taken on the island of Ponta Delgada, in the Azores. The location is a dirt road that runs around the rim of a dormant volcano. The interesting thing is that, on the right was a beautiful slope down to a picturesque village on the sea. On the left was a...