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Paper and Steel

This is a very powerful image. I was lying flat on the steel bed of this giant industrial cutter which has a hydraulic blade that can neatly trim a foot thick stack of paper. I’ll admit that my primary thought was to not have anything personal neatly trimmed as well. I overpowered the factory lights with my own, so as to create a very dramatic, diagonal composition. The human form of the operator creates a dramatic contrast with the heavy machine. I also like the detail of the clamp mechanism that’s in shadow, but breaks up the black background.

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How to understand print dimensions.Since all images don't have the same ratio, I express it as a range. When a size is quoted as 20x24/30, it means that the small dimension will be 20 inches and the long dimension will range from about 24 inches to 30 inches depending on the ratio of the image.

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